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4 Small changes that can lead to a better you.


What is your best self? What does it look like?

What keeps you from living it? What’s getting in your way?

These are some of the questions I was asking myself at the end of 2017.

I speak a lot on being a better you…it’s my own motto and is something I’m passionate talking about because let’s be honest, people get stuck and oftentimes, it’s because of our own limiting beliefs, thoughts and habits that get in our way when it comes to being our best selves. And unfortunately, it’s something I don’t hear enough of in today’s culture.

Here’s a quick story…at the end of 2017, I realized I wasn’t at my best. Something was off and had been missing. Physically, I was heavier than I usually like even though I work out just about every day and eat pretty healthy. And I knew it, but I wasn’t doing anything about it. But when someone I respect mentioned I was starting to look a little soft. The motivation to change suddenly appeared before me.  For an athlete, this wasn’t something I wanted to hear and it affirmed my own thoughts. Sure, I could have taken offense to it, but why? It was true and I knew it and the only person that could do something about it was me. It was my own habits that got it me there in the first place after all. Now don’t get me wrong, I hadn’t put on a massive amount of weight, just enough to feel it and that others were starting to notice.  So it was time. I decided to get focused and make some changes to my daily habits.

Lots of times, I’ve learned the best results you achieve are a result of small changes made to your daily life. Knowing this, I decided to apply this wisdom to my diet and eating habits.

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions because without a change in mindset, it’s just a wish and you often quit after a few short weeks.  I believe in changing your mindset and daily habits and that starts by raising your self-awareness and how you think.  I had to ask myself what was getting in my way? What habits do I need to change? What habits do I need to form? When I’m at my best self, what am I doing on a daily basis? What goals do I need to achieve? What does my best self look like?

So for January, I gave myself a goal to drop 10 lbs, and in a matter of 4 weeks, I’ve managed to drop them and get back to a healthier and leaner me.  I did it just by changing my eating habits and tracking what I was putting into my body and when. Has it be tough? It’s been challenging. Have I enjoyed doing the 2-day workouts or the 6am workouts after pulling a night shift? No, not always, but has it been worth it? Absolutely. Because I’m just not dropping weight, I am getting focused and that is my word for this year. Focus.  I know myself and I know when I’m focused and consumed by something, I thrive.  And when I’m not focused, I’m average which leads to being stuck grabbing at anything or everything that helps me get moving. And let’s be honest, who likes being average?

Now that I’m making progress on my physical health and personal goals, I’ve began asking myself, where else can I make some small changes in my daily habits. What other areas could use some improvement?

Writing and sharing content is one of them, so I’ll be writing more content this year. And eventually, will be doing more live video work with some of my mentors to teach and share more content on leadership and personal growth.  I learned a long time ago, I love to lead and coach others. Coaching and mentoring others is something I love to do especially when it comes to leadership, mindsets, personal growth and the like.

But to get there, first starts with raising your own self awareness. To grow to our potential, we have to discard the mistaken beliefs that prevent us from moving forward.  It’s easy to have good intentions – heck that’s what new year’s resolutions are. But without being intentional about achieving them, what’s the point? Whatever results you want to achieve this year, ask yourself where you can be intentional in your daily activities – whether it’s in your business, home or personal life.  My mentor, John C. Maxwell in his book, Intentional Living said it best, “Intentional living brings you daily satisfaction and continual rewards for merely working to make a difference – small or large – in the lives of others. Intentional living is the bridge that will lead you to a life that matters. Good intentions won’t get you there”.

So my question for you is where can you make some small changes to your daily life? Or in your business? Do you have a deliberate plan for your growth this year? What does growth even look like for you this year? To help answer those questions and get you in moving in a forward motion, here are 4 things I recommend doing.

  1. Raise your self-awareness. Get a journal and start writing down descriptions of your best self. Answer these thought provoking questions.
  2. Design a growth plan – What needs to change? What habits need to form? What boundaries need to be planted? Give yourself a date to start accomplishing them.
  3. Get Accountability – Once you’ve written everything down, next, starting talking about them – share them with your trusted friends or accountability partners or your coach. The more you focus on something, the more you begin to start moving towards it.
  4. Get a Coach – whether its for your organization or for your own self improvement. Sitting down and speaking to a coach has made significant difference in my professional and personal life.  Have you ever given yourself permission to explore your inner most thoughts or beliefs? One of the core competencies of coaching is creating awareness. Doing so can help you be aware of what’s getting in your way and what you need to change.

I hope this has been helpful for you. If you’re unsure or don’t know where or how to start, contact me today.  If you’re looking for a coach or would like to learn more about being intentional versus just having good intentions, I’m offering a free introductory offer for a coaching session for the month of February.

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